Septic Tanks

Septic Tank Cleaning Toowoomba

  • 24/7 Emergency Septic Services
  • Council-Approved & EPA-Compliant
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Septic tank cleaning toowoomba

Toowoomba's Septic Tank Experts


For most people, sewage and septic systems are things we don’t really want to think about. However, if you neglect a septic system, serious problems can develop. Removing your septic waste will reduce the risk of a spill or leakage, which can, in turn, save you a lot of money in future. Septic over-flowers do damage to your drain field and tank and can cause major inconvenience to your home or business.

Your entire septic system relies on regular maintenance in order to maximise efficiency and prevent disaster. Whether you are a homeowner or overseeing a large industrial or commercial property – a faulty, failing or neglected septic tank can end up costing you many thousands of dollars.

To extend the life of your septic system, save on service or emergency costs and protect your water quality by:

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Common Septic Tank Issues

Signs of potential trouble with your septic tank include, but are not limited to:

  • Foul odours, surfacing sewage, wet spots or lush vegetation growth in the drain field area.
  • Plumbing or septic tank backups
  • Gurgling sounds in the plumbing system
  • Slow draining fixtures

If you notice any of these warning signs,
contact Shrek's Septic Service immediately for assistance. We are also available for your septic tank or your sewage treatment needs and offer 24 hours a day, 7 days a week emergency service.

Septic tank cleaner Truck on long road in Toowoomba, QLD
A black and white drawing of a wrench and screwdriver on a white background.

How Do Septic Tanks Work?

The tank’s waste naturally separates into multiple layers - heavy solid waste at the bottom and lighter solid waste at the top alongside oil and thick liquids. This top layer is known as ‘scum’, and the bottom layer uses the septic tank’s stored bacteria to break down the solids, which then becomes sludge. 

The effluent liquids between the two layers go into a drainage field where they can then actually benefit the surrounding area. It is a complex process and becomes far more complicated if any issues develop in the tank. For example, the bacteria that promote this process can die off over time; when this occurs, the drainage becomes less efficient, and you will need to clean the tank.

A black and white drawing of a plumbing pipe on a white background.

Why should you carry out regular septic tank cleaning?

When it comes to septic tank cleaning, the issue is not just in it potentially overflowing – as the waste accumulates, it naturally becomes a haven for micro-organisms. This is primarily by design, but problems can still develop over time if you aren't careful. If untreated waste passes from the tank and into the surrounding area, you could inadvertently release hazardous substances into the water sources. 

This could cause significant issues for your neighbours, so regular cleaning will go a long way towards ensuring a clean and safe neighbourhood. Failing to clean the tank regularly might even result in the wastewater backing up and going back into the house – this is not something any homeowner wants to deal with, so you need to stick to a regular cleaning schedule for your septic tank. 

A black and white drawing of an alarm clock on a white background.

How can you avoid needing an early septic tank clean?

As with any drainage issue, some aggravating factors can make your tank require early cleaning – for example, putting coffee grounds and food down the drain can cause a clog that your tank will struggle to handle. Grease, in particular, can seriously interfere with how septic tanks break down the waste, and the fat it leaves behind is difficult for even seasoned professionals to remove.

Even with homes that have garbage disposals, the food issue remains – in fact, garbage disposals often make people think that they can put more down the drain. If anything, this just makes it more difficult for the septic tanks. Even if you cannot stop using the disposal entirely, the more food goes in the garbage, the easier it will be for your septic tank.

Septic Tank FAQ

A septic tank is an effective way of treating and disposing of effluent onsite for households and workplaces where reticulated sewerage is not available. If you're wondering how to keep your septic tank in full working order, we've answered some of the most frequently asked questions about this unique plumbing method.

  • How often should septic tanks be serviced or cleaned?

    For the average home, we recommend that septic tanks should be pumped approximately every three to five years, depending on occupancy and usage. While it is important to keep this timeframe in your mind, you should also be aware of signs that may indicate your tank isn’t functioning correctly. These signs include sewage or liquid waste flowing into the toilet, bath or cistern; waste draining away slowly; a strong unpleasant smell near or around the septic tank and grass growing lusher and greener in the area around the tank.

    If you notice any of these signs or suspect there is an issue with your septic tank, it is important to contact a professional waste handler to inspect your tank and pump it out. This will ensure you are less likely to experience more significant problems that are expensive to fix in the future. Shrek's Septic Services provides fast and reliable septic pump services and we will ensure your septic system continues to work efficiently.

  • Can regular servicing & cleaning increase a septic tank’s lifespan?

    Ensuring your septic tank is maintained regularly will increase the overall lifespan of the tank, and although sewage and septic systems are things that we don’t often think about, they are in fact critical to the liveability and functionality of our homes and workplaces.

    By regularly removing septic waste and servicing your tank, you will reduce the risk of spills, leaks and overflows which are expensive to address and are a major inconvenience to your household or business.

  • Do you service my area?

    Shrek's Septic Services provides professional and reliable waste removal services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to Toowoomba and the surrounding areas. A list of suburbs serviced is provided under the ‘Service Areas’ menu. If your suburb isn’t listed here, please get in touch with us to discuss your specific needs. Our contact details can be found on the Contact page.

  • Why choose Shrek's Septic Services?

    We are family-owned and operated and have been providing professional waste removal services to Toowoomba and surrounding areas for 40 years. We are council and EPA approved and have extensive experience in dealing with all situations, from general maintenance through to large emergency call outs. We have a reliable and friendly team ready to assist with your waste handling needs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

    We pride ourselves on being the most responsive company in the region and our customer reviews speak for themselves. When it comes to septic tanks, sewage and other liquid waste matters, we strive for customer service excellence.

  • How can I get a free, custom quote for your septic tank services?

    Our team would be happy to discuss your specific needs and provide you with a free custom quote. Please visit our contact us page to get in touch in a way that works best for you.

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